Gwyn Love

It’s been a big year for 604 Records’ recording artist Gwyn Love.

Already known as an emerging voice with a punk mentality and electronic-pop vibe, the creative has been hard at work on new material — drawing from their recent move from their hometown in Oklahoma to the bright lights of Los Angeles.

With Gwyn, it’s always about motivation, and with the new track good luck rly, they’re taking it back to basics.

It was a direct quote from a cheating ex that inspired the song, after an old flame reached out a year after the relationship ended, with condescending words of “encouragement” — giving the artist the closure they so desperately needed at the time.

With more singles set to drop over the next year, as well as their second EP in the works, the artist may not have plans to change genres permanently, but for now, taking a step out of their musical box has been a refreshing and inspiring experience — one they hope fans will embrace.

As far as what else they have planned for the future, in typical Gwyn Love fashion, it’s all about telling a story.

“Fact is, I'm so happy to be here, despite the struggles that I’ve faced,” they said. “As always, my biggest hope is that people will relate to my music, and I really hope they will this time around.”

Gwyn Love


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