
Even from a young age, Keegan Jaeckel felt a deep connection to music — he just didn’t know where it may take him. 

“I was always like a big fan growing up — my dad would listen to lots of heavy metal like Rammstein or iron maiden. That’s what really got me into it,” he explained. “or we’d get on his laptop and listen to Akon and 50 cent . . . Old classic Eminem. That really got me into hip hop. There was always a lot of music in our house.” 

Now, going by the pseudonym b00sted, the 21-year-old pop/rap artist is making waves across the industry thanks to some creative thinking and a little help from a devoted YouTube following. 

“I started making beats in high school, after watching a bunch of tutorials, and getting a lot of encouragement from my friends,” he recalled. “I just started focusing on making songs and built a little fanbase on YouTube. Everything just grew from there.”

Since then, his first track, back, has garnered over 3 million views. And, what began as a small fanbase has continued to grow. 

“I was born into a lot of lyrical stuff growing up before I slowly started getting more into melodies. In the end, I combined the two and I feel like that makes for a really unique sound,” says b00sted. “it’s very much my sound. A lot of what I write about comes from life. It’s like a hip hop infused pop with a splash of indie. It’s everything I love combined.” 

While the past couple years have proven difficult for artists across the globe, this up-and-comer has continued to plug away at his craft, ready for the day he can get up on stage and share his music with the masses, live and in person. 

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